Old Love Clothes, Love in "Han"!


In order to broaden the channel of employees’ offering their compassion and passing on caring to people in need, environmental protection charity activity for recycling old clothes - "Old Love Clothes" was held jointly by Fuyong Management Office and Management Office of Sci-tech Center of Shenzhen Han’s Property Management Co., Ltd. as well as Fuyong Party Branch and Party Branch of Sci-tech Center of Han’s Laser Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd.

Held in the third year after Han’s Property started to organize old clothes donation activity, this activity was composed of two stages: from April 23 to 24, "Old Love Clothes" was held in Wanfu Square and Fenghuang Ancient Village Square, Fuyong Town, where volunteers collected clothes donated by people from all walks of life; from April 25 to 29, the activity was held in the Group, where volunteers collected clothes form our employees.

On April 29, "Old Love Clothes" project team of old clothes recycling environmental protection public benefits of Shenzhen Evening News took away all the donated clothes, which would be gathered, sorted out and recovered by specialized environmental protection company. Old clothes with better quality would be sent to people in need through regular channel; while worn textile would be recycled to create their values again.

After this activity was finished, there were 45 packs of clothes from employees of Han’s Laser Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. and loving people from all walks of life, with total weight of 790 kg! Old love clothes, love in "Han"! Passing on the love and caring the society, which is what we Han’s Property is just doing!