“Golden Key’——The Door To Excellent Property Service

Publisher:Han’s Holdings Group Date:2017-03-21 Views:2205 Share:

In order to improve the service standard, strengthen service awareness, provide quality service, and build up the image of good property service, Han’s Property, guided by “Leader of Excellent Property Service”, invited Miss Lin Cuilv, the etiquette consultant and lecturer of Golden Key Organization, China to give Han’s Property people a training themed on “Golden Key Property Service Etiquette” on 3rd, April, 2017. More than 70 people, from all management offices in Shenzhen, functional departments of company, and company leadership, took part in this training.





Combined with property service requirement and based on the “Golden Key” service etiquette standard, the lecturer gave a thorough lesson on “Golden Key” service philosophy, appearance, manner, JWH, gesture, introduction, bow etiquette and other related knowledge through a great number of cases and practice. And she also gave a detailed introduction to the service standard of different posts in terms of standing, walking, sitting, squatting, and guiding gesture. To strengthen the training effect, the lecturer interacted with trainees through Questions & Answers. Besides, she organized customer service staff to do such practice as standing posture, receiving customer, elevator guiding and other etiquette. This half-day theme training created active atmosphere and adopted various manners, which earned praise from all trainees.



The trainees had a deeper understanding about the service etiquette through this training, which made a big difference on improving the service standard of employees, thus promoting the entire property service quality. Besides, it laid a good foundation for generalizing and applying “Golden Key” service mode.

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